Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Ukrainian Dental Journal

					View Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Ukrainian Dental Journal

Journal Title: Ukrainian Dental Journal

Title abbreviation: UDJ

DOI: 10.56569/UDJ.2.2.2023

UDC: 616.314(477)(05)

Absence of Evidence does not mean Evidence of Absence: Message from Editors

The growth of the evidence base is inviolately related to the variability of the quality within the accumulated evidences, and the problem of their correct interpretation and analysis, results of which are used for the formulation of the most scientifically based and clinically significant conclusions. The stage of correct information processing at the present time has taken its obviously dominant place within the hierarchical structure of scientific and technological progress. Only correctly selected, properly processed and rightly analyzed information is a reliable source for professional training and development of dentists.

Third issue of the «Ukrainian Dental Journal» characterized by a significant variability of the presented topics, thus demonstrating the multi-vector nature of the dental science development at the present time, a time of unrestrained digitization and a time of revision and detailing for already established morphological concepts.

In this issue readers will get acquainted with comprehensive analysis of all available for today systematic reviews, dedicated to the topic of MARPE technique effectiveness within orthodontic practice in comparison with other approaches to the treatment of the maxillary transverse dimensions deficiency. In addition, the issue presents and systematizes relevant criteria for the diagnosis of maxillary odontogenic sinusitis, based on the most current data of the evidence base, which can be of great help to clinicians. Also, the issue will acquaint readers with the newest approaches to scaffold formation during regenerative endodontic procedures, which will support deeper understanding of the advantages, disadvantages, and peculiarities of the implementation for each of them. One of the journal’s publications highlights the problem of using the signs and consequences of endodontic treatment as evidences during the course of comparative dental identification, and details the role of endodontics for the practice of forensic dentistry in general. Such wide range of presented research topics inspires faith in the progress and constant development of dental science in Ukraine and abroad, faith in the struggle that really matters, faith in the victory of reason over ignorance, in the victory of good over evil.

Therefore, dear readers, we present to you the third issue of the «Ukrainian Dental Journal» – dental journal that works for you, and thanks to your support!

With conviction in the perspective, with faith in the future, with scientific justification!

Editor-in-Chief, Larysa Dakhno
Associate Editors, Myroslav Goncharuk-Khomyn

Published: 29.12.2023