Tooth autotransplantation: review of the relevant procedural aspects for the clinical success
tooth, transplantation, autotransplantation, tooth extraction, dental care, literature reviewAbstract
Background. Tooth autotransplantation may be considered as valuable treatment option to overcome adverse effects of tooth loss and prevent implant-related complications. The essence of such manipulation based on removing targeted (donor) tooth from its present location with its further placement at some other tooth position within the oral cavity of the same patient in the least traumatic way.
Objective. To systematize and analyze relevant procedural aspects of tooth autotransplantation associated with its’ clinical success.
Materials and Methods. A comprehensive search strategy was realized through databases PubMed ( and Cochrane Library (, and also via Google Scholar ( search engine to expand possibilities for targeted publications identification. Primary extraction of the targeted studies was provided by their title and abstract. The criteria for eligibility included publications with described original practical and theoretical aspects regarding tooth autotransplantation procedure, while publications with repetitive information or non-sufficiently argumented/non evidence based statements were excluded from further analysis.
Results. The final number of eligible studies for analysis was 82 publications with adequate reporting of outcomes associated with present research objective. Out of this number 8 were presented in the form of systematic reviews, 3 in the form of literature reviews, while all others were presented in forms of case reports, case series, protocols, recommendations, follow-ups, experimental and clinical studies.
Conclusion. Correct surgical manipulations, which should be as atraumatic as possible to preserve the periodontal ligament of the transplanted tooth, is a key of autotransplantation successful outcome. The success of the treatment is also related with the stage of root development. In cases of transplanting the teeth with complete root development endodontic treatment should be performed approximately in 2 weeks after primary intervention.
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