New analysis and classiŢcation of Angle’s class II malocclusion varieties during the mixed dentition period
varieties during the mAngle’s cl
Class II malocclusion, cephalometric analysis, Perillo, Perillo-ID, mandibular hypoplasia, mandibular retrusion, mandibular rotation, mixed dentitionAbstract
Introduction: It is well known that Angle's class II malocclusion is the most common of all occlusal pathology. The prevalence of this malocclusion among children remains at 35-43% and tends to increase. Class II malocclusion negatively affects not only the functions of chewing, swallowing, breathing and speech, but also life in general, especially for children and adolescents. An analysis of modern scientific papers shows that variability of class II malocclusion is insufficiently covered in published classifications.
Objectives: To develop a classification of Angle's class II malocclusion forms based on the determination of angular and linear cephalometric parameters for children aged 7 to 12 years old and to analyze of their prevalence in Ukraine.
Material and Methods: 138 lateral cephalometric radiographs of children aged 7 to 12 years old with Angle's class II malocclusion were selected. Cephalometric analysis by Perillo-ID method was performed on all 138 radiographs. 68 lateral cephalometric radiographs were selected for further study.
Results: Cephalometric analysis by Perillo-ID method on 68 lateral cephalograms in children aged 7-12 years old showed a wide range of variability forms of Angle's class II malocclusion. The results of 7 angular and 4 linear parameters allowed to create a classification of Angle's class II malocclusion forms and sizes, taking into consideration the position of the lower jaw in children during the mixed dentition period.
Conclusions: Authors modified Perillo's cephalometric analysis, which allowed to create a detailed classification of Angle's class II malocclusion forms for children during the mixed dentition period. The new classification will allow to clearly differentiate the etiology of malocclusion, to differentiate the true mandible underdevelopment from its retroposition or rotation.
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